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1. Destroy them all and save the world! MR.COP MASTER is on a secret mission. Use your deadly accuracy and precision to keep the bad guys! Whether it is a spy, agent, zombie, lumberjack, alien they are all here to take over the world and only a MASTER can take them down and save the world. 2. Unlock Epic Missions So many enemies and levels for you to take down, each with their own unique twist! How smart are you? Can you solve all the puzzles? Shoot bullets that ricochet, bounce, or simply go in a straight line! Use your bullets to make objects fall and explode. Create chain reactions and do whatever it takes to get your target!
use the mouse to aim the shooting point and shot touch and drag to aim release touch to shot

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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Game Instructions

use the mouse to aim the shooting point and shot touch and drag to aim release touch to shot

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
Game Stats:  632 plays
Game Categories:  Action
Game Tags:  , ,

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