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Tower Boxer
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Tower Boxer

“A bunch of boxing champions challenged themselves to wreck a whole skyscraper with their fists! A rather crazy idea, are you willing to help out? Punch the tower from left or right to chop it down, but watch out for approaching balconies!”
Punch the skyscraper to chop down as much of it Switch sides to avoid balconies Choose your character in the menu and play by tapping the left or right side of the screen to punch respectively

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Game Instructions

Punch the skyscraper to chop down as much of it Switch sides to avoid balconies Choose your character in the menu and play by tapping the left or right side of the screen to punch respectively

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
Game Stats:  376 plays
Game Categories:  Sports

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