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Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation
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Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation

You are waking up on a planet ML-397. The year is 2299. And you have no idea where you are or who you are… Everything looks empty. It seems that no one is here. You are alone… But soon, very soon, you will find out that is not truth! Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation brings you the best sci-fi/horror FPS experience! Key Features * Slick futuristic 3D graphics – making a game feel like reality. * You alone have yourself to rely on to prevent the apocalypse. * Non-stop Sci-Fi FPS Alien Shooter Action! * Awesome Sci-Fi Weapons * Good known Poison Games GAMEPLAY! * Easy controls Find out what happened on the abandoned space base, on a planet ML-397!
W A S D to walk around Mouse to Look around Left Mouse Button to Fire Right Mouse Button to Aim Mouse Wheel To Change Weapons G for Grenades R to Reload F to Pickup Items Left Shift to Run Left CTRL to Crouch X to Prone Space to Jump

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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Game Instructions

W A S D to walk around Mouse to Look around Left Mouse Button to Fire Right Mouse Button to Aim Mouse Wheel To Change Weapons G for Grenades R to Reload F to Pickup Items Left Shift to Run Left CTRL to Crouch X to Prone Space to Jump

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
Game Stats:  283 plays
Game Categories:  Arcade

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