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Mummy Candies | Fullscreen HD Game
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Mummy Candies | Fullscreen HD Game

Fullscreen Gameplay! The mummy is trying it’s best to pull up the candies using a hook. The hook keeps moving like a pendulum. What you need to do is time your tap/click such that the HOOK stops and moves in the direction of a select candy. Make sure you tap when the angle is right. The larger candies score more but are very slow to PULL up. Smaller candies move faster but score less. So set your strategy straight and get going to enjoy this fun little game. Why embed this game? Optimum, non-intrusive AD timings. Fullscreen support. Note: For full screen support you must add this: allowfullscreen=”true” Let your users enjoy a full screen game even on mobile.
tap mouse left click

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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Game Instructions

tap mouse left click

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
Game Stats:  635 plays
Game Categories:  Arcade

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